Sunday, September 16, 2012


So I think it's time I did an update.  After coming out to my mom I called a few of my cousins and told them.  Then I went out on my first date.  It was terrible.  I wasn't into the guy the moment I laid eyes on him.  I could just tell.  We had a good conversation.  I told him how I was newly out and how I was still a virgin and how I just wanted to be friends.  Then he suggested that maybe he would be a good first time.  It was bad.

A couple weeks later I ripped the band-aid off and came out on Facebook.  It was a great.  I did it the night before my birthday and my entire birthday was spent getting comments and messages from people supporting me.

Then started a series of disappointments.  All my girlfriends cancelled on going to the gay bar with me to celebrate my birthday.  Then there was this guy.  He was 19.  We clicked and I had a huge crush on him.  He said age didn't matter.  He asked me out and we planned a date.  He backed out.  We planned again.  He backed out.  It got to be kinda annoying.

Then I went out with a guy.  He asked me to do something.  I said yes then he withdrew the request.  Then I tried to set up a few hook ups.  Each time a cancellation.  Then I tried to set up a date with a guy.  Cancelled.  At the same time the 19 year old cancelled two more dates and kept two, said he now had a problem with the age difference and we decided it was a friendship (although he's gone back to cancelling our hanging out).

I have a couple more guys lined up, but I'm obviously not optimistic at this point.

I did have sex.  I went home with this great guy.  He was really nice to me.  It was a great night.  I don't think anyone can say their first time was perfect, but this was.  We hooked up once after that and may hook up again, but sex is all it is.  He's a bit of a whore to tell the truth.

So yeah that's it in a nutshell.  I'm both happy and upset.  I really want this dating or even the sex thing to work out, but it just isn't.  Let's face it I'm not THAT attractive.  I think I'm cute, but in reality I'm not hot.

We'll see.  I think a few of this guys may be worth dating, and maybe one will be something more.