Wednesday, June 27, 2012

He Responded

I mentioned back in this post that this guy had shown interest in me without viewing my profile on a dating site.  And in this post I mentioned messaging him.  I actually have a followup to that, and it's about what I expected.

Like I said right after I sent the message I had second thoughts.  I kinda zeroed in on something from his profile that I actually related to.  He mentioned being a bigger guy (but he still looked pretty good, damn why did I also say something like that) and being judged by people, and I basically was trying to say that I identified with that.

My second thoughts kicked in after sending the message because I thought maybe it wouldn't come across as the understanding statement I meant it to.  Apparently I was right because in his response he said that at first the message did tick him off, but after rereading it he realized there was no reason to be.  He then went on to apologize for having not responded for so long.

I was happy he acknowledge the message.  I was also happy he took the time to reread my original message.  I wrote a quick reply back soon after he sent his message saying something to the effect of being astonished that I still can manage to put my foot in my mouth through e-mail.

I'm hoping he doesn't take the quickness of the reply as being weird.  See these are just a few of the worries that are always circling around in my head during social situations.  I can't even escape them online... it's annoying.  Stupid introverted personality. :-P

So basically it's another waiting game.  On the plus side I'm heading for a whole 10 and a half days off starting tomorrow.  It's going to be great.  I'm just planning to be around here and with family, but I may try to meet up with a friend or two to do something.  We'll see.

I know one thing though I'm going to keep up the gym days I've been doing lately.  It's been pretty steadily 2-3 days for an hour each day and one day off for the past two weeks.  I'm actually starting to look forward to it.  Maybe I'll hit my goal weight by Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. hehe- the dating game

    I wouldn't worry about the messages to be honest. He messaged YOU remember! The speed of your replies in an email are least likely things to put people off you. Especially if you are just responding to something he sent you.

    What would be weird is if you took AGES to reply! or appeared to be leaving scheduled, routined gaps between responses (he's messaged me so I'll wait 12 hours before responding...) That would be irritating (think how much it would bug you!). AND equally if you kept sending him messages until he responded... that would be annoying and it would make you feel rejected if he took a while to get back right?!

    I think you've got to just be honest. Let's be real, that's what you are wanting from him too isn't it?

    If you have the right ingredients to be friends and the conversation is moving comfortably then little things like that won't even register.

    And congrats on the gymmage. Keep it up! If it's making you feel more confident in yourself then you'll draw ever closer to the gateway of the extroverts ;)

    Sounds like you're doing fine!


    (apparently stalking your posts now?! I need a life.)
