Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Came Across Something in the Book

Ok.  So I've been mentioning my therapist suggested I read Quiet at my first session.  I have been reading it and loving it.

I'm nearing the end of the book now and it's starting to shift focus to how an introvert should adapt to a world of extroverts.  I came across a passage that just freaked me out a little.

It talked about being an introvert, craving a relationship, but hating the bar scene and such.  It mentioned that you may have to make a pact with yourself to put yourself in those types of social situations.

It's not that I hadn't considered that, but reading it somehow make it click for me.  At some point I will need to try to get out there.  My only problem is figuring out how to do it.

I mean I don't really have the group of friends to go out with.  Most are either married or as introverted as I am and therefore no real help.  My most extroverted friend is a girl and it would mean that either I'm the third wheel to her and her boyfriend or we'd be going out together which doesn't make it look like I'm available (unless of course I'm thinking of going the guy route).

I'm also not confident that even if I do get myself to go somewhere that I won't just sit at the bar and isolate myself like a typical wallflower.

Plus there's the question of where to go.  If I go down town I'd expect to be dealing with a lot more college aged people.  I don't think I could really relate.  The outer edge of town where I live tend to be more country bars and such and that's not as much my style.  And I have absolutely no idea how to break into the gay scene (although I do have a friend who may be able to help with that, but I'm not ready to confide in him yet).  Plus my searches so far have come up with one main bar and some of the pictures from it kinda turn me off.

I know a lot of this is probably just excuses for the real problem which is I have absolutely no idea how to act in this sort of a situation.  I'm not a hunter.  I'm the one who wants someone to come up to them, but I just don't think I'm attractive enough to get someone to come up to me.

I know if I was a little more confident in the way I looked then maybe that would put out a aura that would make me seem more approachable (really there are physical cues that can do that).  But I'm not certain I can do that.

I just know that I can't just sit around here like this too much longer.  I need my time alone, but no man is an island and there are times when I crave the social life that seems to come so easily to so many people.


  1. AW man!

    I know exactly where you are coming from.

    I think social situations like bars/clubs are annoying because they're a great place to meet new people but unfortunately you can't really go into them unless yoiu already have a hoard of people to go in there with. Even in pairs it is harder to stir up conversations with new people because they're often running around in packs!

    That said I'm 22 and people my age out in clubs are a LOT less interested in longevity in a relationships they make across the bar! So I gave up on that scene!

    It may seem ridiculous but (in terms of the gay stuff) have you considered joining a gay activities group? (that's a lot less shady than it sounds) I joined a gay rock climbing group here in the UK and really enjoyed it. Being closeted at the time it meant that i could go away from my home town and do it, without fear of getting outed. People there were really understanding!

    It's good because you're around people who you know you CAN be attracted to but its not a 'dating' scenario. You're free to just get to know people. Even if you don't meet anyone you want to date you will at least make some like minded friends, that get your situation and then you can make into your own 'pack' to break the scene with and, who knows, support you in anything else! ;)

    just a thought anyway! I'll be here reading, whatever you choose! x

    1. Thanks for the comment. I hadn't given any thought to an activity group. I may try to check that out. The only problem I can see would be that the gay scene doesn't really seem to be that evident around here. If I were in a bigger city up north or one of the college towns there would probably be a lot going on, but around here you don't hear of much.

      That being said I think I may have mentioned once that my best friend from high school is gay. He lives out of town, but he may be able to clue me in on what's going on around here.

      But honestly I'm not really ready to have that conversation with him yet. It's complicated family stuff, but the gist of it is that his brother married one of my first cousins on one side of my family, and his step brother married one of my first cousins on the other side.

      I trust my friend quite a bit, but right now I'm just not that comfortable with someone that connected to my family knowing about all this. I'm getting there though.

      Anyway thanks again, and I hope I don't bore you with future posts. :)

  2. HAHA - not at all...

    I've been away a while and a lot of the thoughts I'm reading here have gone through my head haha - in fact a lot of my friends would probably feel the same too; straight, bi, and gay ones... Don't think you are alone ;)

    I understand what you're saying about the 'close to the bone' (excuse the pun) issue. I feel like if he has experienced being in the closet and he is a nice guy chances are he would keep your secret for as long as you wanted him to. But it's all about doing what you feel comfortable.

    When I first came out to anyone close to me it was the last people I would have logically chosen, my workmates lol but it made sense at the time? I dunno, i explain it better in my old closeted blog lol I'll drop the link to the entry below... I dunno if it will help but y'know??! lol

    Anyways, much love!

    (Forever Un-bored)


    Oh and links here!
