Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Changing the Story

So this is just going to be a quick update. I decided that I really do want to do some writing (other then what I'm doing here). I've always wanted to tell my personal story as a semi-autobiographical fiction piece.

I don't know for certain who would want to read it, but since it's something I've always wanted to do and I'm trying to make a change in my life, it seems like I should give it a try.

I've set up a Tumblr page for this piece of fiction. I'm kind of doing it as a series of blog entries, but I plan to do some sequences set in high school as well as sequences set in the present day.

I've also set up a Facebook page (thank goodness you can do that without having to attach it to a real account), and a Twitter account.

I think this should be a fun diversion.  So now I'll have two outlets.  One for my serious thoughts and feelings (this place).  And one for my more creative interpretation of it all.

We'll see how long this lasts, but then I've been able to stick to a few things lately.  I've been exercising like crazy, and liking it.  I've been reading a lot more, and liking it.  I've been blogging here for longer then any other time I've tried to before, and liking it.   Who's to say I won't like this just as much?

Now if I can just find a nice local chorus or men's or mixed ensemble to sing with (other then a church one) and I'll be a fulfilled as I can be until I can figure out this whole dating/sex/attraction thing (not necessarily in that order).

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